Habitability Value

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This number helps you to decide if you should colonize the selected planet. The higher the Value percentage, the more habitable the planet is to your race. The values range from -45% to 100%, with 100% as the optimum value. An accompanying number in parentheses indicates the value after terraforming using your current technology.

Notice how these numbers compare with the contents of the Environment Graph, the first number associated the locations of each diamond in the graph, the second number associated with the values at the end of the lines projecting from the diamonds.

Positive value -- Indicates the maximum population size possible for your race on that planet, given the current conditions. The Value is a percentage of the absolute maximum of 1,000,000 people. For example, if a planet has a value of 29%, it will support up to 290,000 of your people.  Of course if you have selected racial traits that alter your maximum population, the value is a percentage of that number.

Negative value -- A rough estimate of how fast your colonists will die on the planet. For example, if the value is -10%, 10% of your colonists will die each turn. 

If you have terraforming technology, you may be able to modify the planet's environment to support more of your people. While you are terraforming a planet, none of your colonists will die.

Growth Rate -- The Value also approximates the maximum rate at which your population will grow. For example, if your population's maximum growth rate is 10%and the Value is 30%, your population will grow at a maximum of 30% of the 10% growth rate, or 3% per year.

Population growth begins to plateau after the planet reaches 25% capacity.

       Left-click on the Value for a description of how the value relates to your potential for growth on the selected planet.

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